Elevate Your Landscape Design With Comprehensive Lawn Care in the St. Augustine, FL Area

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Rusty Thompson on July 21st, 2023
Elevate Your Landscape Design With Comprehensive Lawn Care in the St. Augustine, FL Area

As a homeowner, you likely already know that comprehensive lawn care can be the difference-maker in your lawn and landscape in the hot St. Augustine, FL Area climate. Having a reputable company handle all the lawn tasks can free up your valuable time for other, more enjoyable activities. These lawn care duties can elevate your landscape design with a healthy, well-tended outdoor space.


Related: 3 Areas of a Lawn Where an Irrigation System Is Beneficial in the Ponte Vedra Beach and Sawgrass, FL Areas


Comprehensive Lawn Care 

The first thing you want in comprehensive lawn care is a company that shows up when scheduled and delivers a superior service for your property. While proper lawn and landscape care is essential, having confidence that a lawn care company will do what they promise can be the most important part. No one needs the stress of a lawn care company that sometimes shows up for weekly work and other times does not. 


Reliable Lawn Teams 

Engaging a lawn care company with reliable lawn teams can take the stress out of wondering if your lawn will receive quality maintenance services each week. A lawn care team should arrive on time to mow your lawn to the right height that protects the grass against having burned roots from the hot sun. 

You want them to trim the edges of the hardscape spaces and remove all the clippings for a clean, fresh appearance. As they work, they should be observing the shrubs and flowers for good health and trimming stray growth that can mar the appearance. 


Weed Control Applications 

Prevention can be the key to stopping weeds before they germinate and fill the lawn. A lawn care service can apply weed control in the very early spring to stop the weeds from growing. They can spot-treat any weeds that slip through and apply weed-killer products in the fall to eliminate weeds that have grown. Their goal is to remove the weeds so they can’t come back in the spring. Since weeds unfortunately look green and vibrant on the lawn, they can be overlooked easily so prevention is essential. 


Pest Control Applications 

Controlling pests is similar to controlling weeds. Prevention can be the key to stopping pests from ruining your gorgeous outdoor spaces. Chinch bugs, armyworms, grubs, and mole crickets are among the pests that can wreak havoc in your yard. 

It would take you quite some investigation to figure out what types of bugs you are seeing on your lawn but a lawn and landscape service can identify them on sight. Their professional products can make short work of eliminating any type of bugs or insects that try to make their home in your landscape. 

As they mow and perform the weekly lawn tasks, they can catch these pests and apply treatments to remedy the problem right away. 


Seasonal Irrigation Services

The irrigation system is a crucial component of the health and vitality of your grass and landscape plants. When this system malfunctions, your lawn can suffer in a matter of a day or two without water. 

You won’t have to worry about irrigation with a reliable lawn care team since they can perform seasonal services to ensure it is in peak working order. From replacing a missing sprinkler head to ensuring the potted plants are hydrated, they have your irrigation services covered. 


Related: Create a Sustainable Landscape With Proper Irrigation in the St. Augustine and Silverleaf, FL Areas


lawn care, Lawn Maintenance