Two Choices that Fuel Optimism and Action

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Rusty Thompson on December 26th, 2023
sunrise on a country road

As we approach the end of another year, I've been doing some reflection on the lessons life has thrown my way. This year, I've come to realize more than ever that two daily choices hold influence over the outlook for my days, weeks, and ultimately years.

These choices don't magically alter our circumstances, but they hold the key to fueling both optimism and action in almost every situation.

Choice #1: Focus on What You Have, Instead of What’s Missing.

It sounds simple, right? Choose to be thankful for what you have rather than dwelling on what you believe is lacking. Any time you feel frustrated about a situation, even when it’s justified, you can implement this idea - but it’s not just about tangible goods. 

For example, frustrated with your child not listening? Try to focus on what you have (a child), rather than what’s missing (an obedient child). Not an easy task.

Sometimes the most simple of things aren’t at all easy to implement. 

We've all been there—caught up in the "what ifs" and "should haves." It's human nature to occasionally focus on what we think we're owed or what we missed out on. But, I've learned that dwelling on these thoughts only fans the flames of discontentment. It's like pouring fuel on a fire that, left unchecked, can consume the joy in our lives.

To grow this habit, one action I’ve added to my morning routine is to write about one thing I am grateful for. I was amazed how quickly I ran through the fundamentals of family, church, health, and career to get to things I wouldn’t have normally even considered to be grateful for. 

Choice #2: Focus on What You Can Control, Not What You Cannot

Life is unpredictable, and we encounter daily events beyond our control. The second choice that has improved my action is about where I direct my focus in response to these events. Do I fixate on things I have no influence over, turning myself into a victim of circumstance? or do I channel my energy into actions and decisions I have control over?

I've learned that when I consciously choose to focus on the aspects of my life where I can make a difference, it empowers me and shifts me toward action. It's a mindset shift—from feeling helpless to being proactive. It's about taking charge of the things within my reach and recognizing that, even in the face of challenges, I have the ability to influence outcomes.

This upcoming year, I plan to push harder in these two areas—focusing on gratitude for what I have and taking control of what I can. I am choosing to infuse my days with more gratitude and action in 2024. 

As we wrap up 2023 over the next week, I encourage you to take some time and reflect over what your year has taught you, and how you can apply those lessons forward into 2024. I believe God has a unique way of using our life experiences to teach us more about ourselves, but we miss out on the lesson if we don’t take the time to examine it.

Wishing you all a wonderful end to 2023 and an even brighter 2024 ahead!


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