Rusty’s Corner: What is your personal brand?

Eva Greenway on July 23rd, 2024
Gainesville Rusty's Corner

You know, just like how we easily recognize companies by their reputation and branding, people also have their own unique traits that make up their personal brand. Take McDonald's, for example. It's known for quick, affordable meals, not exactly the spot for a romantic dinner. And then there's Apple, famous for their cutting-edge, admittedly pricey devices, definitely not where you'd go for budget options.

But let's shift the focus to us, the individuals. What do you aspire to be known for?

I had this eye-opening exercise a few years back that really got me thinking about this. I was tasked with deciding the 6 to 10 words I would want used to describe me at my funeral. Talk about a challenge! Picture it: family and friends gathered around, trying to sum up what my life was all about.

That exercise shook me up, but in a good way. It made me reassess my priorities. If I wanted to be described as charitable, for instance, what was I doing about it today to earn that description?

Now, to avoid getting too morbid, I decided to switch gears and chat about our personal brand instead.

So, let's get real. What is it you want to be known for? And more importantly, what are you doing about it today?

Crafting your personal brand isn't about putting on a show or pretending to be someone you're not. It's about being intentional with your actions and decisions, aligning them with the values and qualities you want to embody. Whether it's integrity, compassion, creativity, or innovation, your personal brand should reflect who you are at your core.

Think about those people you admire most. What qualities do they possess that you aspire to emulate? Take inspiration from them, but always stay true to yourself. Your personal brand should be an authentic expression of your values, passions, and strengths.

So, as you go about your day-to-day life, ask yourself: am I living in alignment with the personal brand I want to cultivate? Am I making choices that reflect the qualities I want to be known for? Remember, it's never too late to redefine your personal brand and start living a life that truly reflects who you are and who you want to become.



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