We would like to take the time to highlight some of the amazing projects and lawn makeovers that our extraordinary team has completed. The team always sees the projects from conception through to completion, and it shows!
This client purchased a new house in the Longleaf subdivision. They wanted to create a more friendly backyard space for their dog to play in without tracking mud and dirt into the house.
How did we make such a turnaround happen?
- We installed artificial turf
- We installed river rock
- We added drainage to prevent water from draining towards the house
These solutions turned their tiny dirt yard into a low maintenance, pup-friendly space that will help keep the house clean and mud-free.
Take a look at the before and after photos to know just how big of a turnaround this was. Their dog was so excited about the new play space he couldn’t wait to roll around on the new turf!

Thank you for entrusting this project to our team, and props to the team for making it look amazing!
If you would like to use artificial turf in your landscaping, fill out the form at the top of the page or call us at (352) 378-LAWN!