The delicate, soft green and creamy-white variegated foliage is clean and healthy looking, while the abundant ruffled, double pink flowers are as pretty as a party dress. Each bud is covered in tiny white hairs, giving the appearance of being encrusted with coarse sugar granules. As the buds begin to open, they reveal a hint of deep pink. When fully open the flowers show off their layers of midpink before fading to a lighter shade, giving the whole bush a multihued effect. How could you possibly resist?

Common names: Sugar Tip rose of Sharon, Sugar Tip hibiscus
Origin: This species is native to Asia (not Syria, as one might expect), but Sugar Tip is a garden hybrid.
Where it will grow: Hardy to -20 degrees Fahrenheit (USDA zones 5 to 8; find your zone)
Water requirement: Average
Light requirement: Full sun
Mature size: 8 to 12 feet tall and 4 to 6 feet wide

Seasonal interest: Spring to fall
When to plant: Spring or fall

- Variegated foliage
- Ruffled pink flowers
- Abundant blooms
- Smaller than many older varieties

Sugar Tip would also make an attractive specimen plant in the landscape, in a mixed border of perennials and shrubs or even as a hedge if spaced 6 feet or so apart.
Planting notes. Hibiscus blooms on new wood, so do any pruning in early spring before the new growth begins. It can be pruned hard to keep it smaller.
Use a slow-release fertilizer for trees and shrubs in early spring. I also watered mine with Moo-Poo teatwo or three times during the summer.
Where to buy. Many nurseries carry Sugar Tip; give us a call at The Masters Lawn Care 352.378.5296 and we would love to go over a landscape design and get you started on your summer yard project.