Deepest Gratitude

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Rusty Thompson on November 19th, 2018

I try my best to practice gratitude not just now, but throughout the year. I try to be mindful of the blessings in my life. I have a wonderful family including my wife and my one year old son, some wonderful friends and of course this organization. The Master's has been fortunate in 2018 to experience growth on our team and on our list of clients. We recently relocated to a new location to accommodate this growth.

I am deeply aware that this growth and success is 100% in thanks to our clients throughout the years who have chosen The Master's Lawn Care and trusted us to care for their yards. In this season of Thanksgiving I send the deepest appreciation on behalf of the entire TMLC team for your support. It is our honor to serve you and we will do our best to continue to earn your trust every day. Wishing you a holiday filled with family, peace and friendship!


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