5 Reasons Why Shopping Local is Important Everyday

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Rusty Thompson on November 22nd, 2022
support local business

Our community is full of local businesses that offer many different services to meet our needs, from coffee shops to plant shops, gift shops to restaurants. These businesses help create our community and give it the character we all know and love. Without these shops, we would be missing out on what truly creates our unique community.

Every year as we ent the holiday shopping season, I like to remind my friends and family the importance of shopping small local businesses.  This year I wanted to give 5 Quick Reasons to shop small:

1. Our community is significantly impacted by small businesses
Small businesses not only create jobs, but also proven higher paying careers and opportunities. Payroll from prosperous small businesses are returned to the local neighborhood, helping to fund the development of new small enterprises. Shopping with Amazon, while extremely convenient, does nothing for our local community.

2. You canโ€™t beat personalized customer service
When you spend locally, you don't have to worry about calling the 800 number for customer support. One of the main benefits shopping local has is the ability to receive individualized, hands-on, and memorable customer service. 

3. Small businesses give to local non-profits
You support your community beyond the economy when you shop at a local business. Most local businesses are supporters of local non-profits and charities. If you divert that money to a big-box store somewhere else, your neighborhood won't gain anything at all. Additionally, such taxes are used to pay for public employees like firefighters as well as public amenities like parks, roads, and sidewalks.

4. Small Businesses create the community you live in
Shopping locally provides an opportunity for neighbors to interact. Someone you frequently encounter at a neighborhood coffee shop is simpler to get to know than someone you simply pass by and wave at occasionally. Knowing your neighbors enables you to trade favors or suggest local businesses for services.

5. Simply put, shopping local just feels good
Shopping locally is a personal investment in your local community, and its something to be proud of. There is a personal satisfaction associated with knowing that you are helping and investing in your community.

So before you head to the Amazon app or big box stores to cross items off your holiday list, see what local small businesses have to offer and support your community.


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