We have had some dry months here in Gainesville and it’s definitely showing in yards across town. Grass requires a regular supply of water to keep it growing healthy and green, but long periods without rain can mean a brown, struggling lawn. Here are 5 tips to help your lawn stay healthy and become more drought tolerant.
- Water less often, for longer times – Watering deeply and less often encourages your lawn to develop a deep and healthy root system because it has to work to find water rather than relying on what is easy accessible at the surface. This will give you a lawn that is more naturally drought resistant. We recommend watering twice per week and 45 minutes per zone.

- Water early in the morning– We recommend setting your irrigation timer so that watering is done in the early morning when temperatures are lowest to reduce the amount of water lost through evaporation. This will also be when the wind speeds are lowest. This will cut down on wasted water that winds up on driveways, sidewalks, and curbs instead of on your lawn and landscape. We recommend setting your timer so that irrigation is complete before 6am.
- Raise your mowing height– To encourage root growth raise the height of you mower. Again, the deeper and healthier your lawns root system is the more it will be able to withstand drought stress and stay greener longer. This is especially true for St. Augustine grass which is most prevalent in our area and should be mowed to a height of 4" or greater.

- Feed your lawn – Spring is one of the most important times of the year to feed your lawn. When you wake up in the morning, your body is in need of nourishment. The same is true of your Gainesville lawn as it comes out of winter dormancy. The fertilizer will encourage new growth and deeper rooting. Your lawn will benefit from a well-balanced lawn program designed to provide the nutrients needed at the right time.
- Follow local guidelines – Make sure you are following Alachua County guidelines for watering days, times and amount of water. Guidelines can be found here. Remember, if you have new sod, landscaping, or if you’ve just completed a lawn care treatment, there are exceptions to the restrictions.
If you need assistance with your lawn’s irrigation and fertilization needs, The Master’s Lawn Care can help. Please contact us today for a free lawn consultation to help develop a plan custom tailored to the specific needs of your lawn.
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