4 Ways to a Fresh Start in 2018

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Rusty Thompson on January 16th, 2018

I have to be honest, I love the new year. A blank slate and a fresh start to set goals and make plans is invigorating to me, but I know that it isn't the same for everyone. Some may consider them trite, but even if resolutions aren't for you, how about finding a way to challenge yourself in 2018? Here are some ideas to get you started!

1. Get moving. There is never a bad time to add some physical activity to your routine! Whether that's getting up 20 minutes early for a jog, or starting a new sport with your kids.

2. Journaling. Whether it's a couple sentences about your day or daily gratitude, this is one habit that can help you feel more focused and centered. A prayer journal or a family journal are also great ways to get started. 

3. Strengthen relationships. Life gets busy. The older that we get, the easier it becomes to slip from spending time with people we cherish. Commit to a date night or visiting extended family a couple times this year.

4. Give back. One of the most energizing things that I've found is giving back to our amazing community. Find an organization that you can get behind and find ways to contribute, whether it's a financial or time  investment, giving back to your community really pays dividends.


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