Why Proper Drainage Is Necessary for a Beautiful Landscape Design in the High Springs and Alachua, FL Areas

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Rusty Thompson on June 29th, 2023
Why Proper Drainage Is Necessary for a Beautiful Landscape Design in the High Springs and Alachua, FL Areas

A beautiful High Springs and Alachua, FL Areas landscape cannot thrive when there are ongoing drainage issues on the property. When you invest in the health and appearance of your property, you certainly want them to pay off in beauty and increased curb appeal. Here are the reasons why proper drainage is an essential factor in an attractive landscape. 


Related: 5 Drainage Solutions That Make Sense for Landscapes in the Alachua and Jonesville, FL Areas


Poor Drainage from a Steep Slope 

If you have a steep slope in your landscape, you likely know that every rain storm is going to lead to rushing water and leftover debris in the yard, across the walkway, and down the driveway. Slope drainage is something the original grading contractor should have addressed but often does not remedy. This is not an issue you can ignore for long because the water can damage the foundation of your house and wash away your landscape plan. 

A drainage professional can assess the slope for a solution that diverts the water from the yard and funnels it to a more suitable location where it can flow into the storm drain. 

The most common slope solution can be a stone retaining wall where the drainage is built into the wall. A retaining wall can increase the useable space for an improved landscape design and functional outdoor living features, and it can catch the water as it spills down the slope to send it away from your landscape. 


Standing Water Around the Foundation 

Another problem you can have with landscape drainage is standing water that sits in the landscape beds and along the foundation of your house. This can become a serious issue if you don’t address it quickly. 

The standing water will seep into the wood skeleton of your home and into the basement if you have one. The moisture that absorbs into the wood and sheetrock can create an environment where mold and mildew can grow and create serious health issues for your family members.

Once mold and mildew start to grow in the walls, it can be quite costly to remove, resulting in extensive construction work. 

This can be remedied with a French drain that spans the perimeter of your foundation. The water seeps into the drain where pipes carry the water to another drainage location away from your house. 


Standing Water on the Lawn 

You might notice that your lawn has puddles that don’t drain after every rain storm. When there are regular puddles that sit on the lawn and in the landscape, the water will eventually kill the grass and plants. 

A drainage professional can install a dry well to eliminate the standing water. A dry well is a box that is recessed into the soil where the water puddles. The top grate is the same color as the grass so you don’t notice it but the drain allows the water to spill into the box. The water can then flow into a gravel vertical trench beside the drain where it can slowly seep back into the earth. 


Poor Drainage from Downspouts 

Poor drainage from downspouts can be another issue that mars the look and function of your lawn and landscape. A drainage professional can install pipes that catch the water and carry it to the storm drain through buried pipes in the yard.


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